Deborah Frydericia Wargon
born 1962 Melbourne Australia - lives Berlin Germany
1979 Matriculation, Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School, Melbourne Australia
1984 Diploma of Arts with a major in Music, Victorian College of the Arts Melbourne Australia
1987 Post Graduate Studies in Violin, Tel Aviv University, Israel
2000 Masters of Arts in Scenography with Distinction, Central St.Martins College of Art and Design London, England and Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, Holland
Theatre - Actor/Musician - Melbourne Australia, Bremen Germany - 1990/94 Actor/Assistant Director Kölner Schauspiel
Stipend - 1995/96 Academy Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart Germany
Collections - DeKaBank Kunstsammlung des 21. Jahrhunderts - Jewish Museum Berlin Germany - private collections
Violin - 1980/86 violinist in orchestras in Australia / 1986/87 Israel / 1988 Austria / since1990 Germany
Music Composition for Theatre & Film
in Australia and Europe: Grant Street Theatre Melbourne, Schauspiel Köln, Staatstheater Stuttgart, Landestheater Linz, Theater Krefeld Mönchengladbach, Thalia Theater Hamburg, St.Pauli Theater Hamburg, Städische Bühnen Osnabrück, La Comedie de Saint-Etienne France, Landestheater Schleswig-Holstein, Stadttheater Ingolstadt, Kammerspiele Hamburg, Theater am Kurfürstendamm Berlin, and others.
Selected Group Exhibitions
2003 = HOME SWEET HOME & THE CRADLE, ‘Changing Channels’ Backfabrik, Berlin / 2004 = FAITHHOPECHARITY, Area10,
London / 2005 = SHADOWCAST, The Lab, San Francisco USA - WORDS ON PAPER, Cellspace, San Francisco - THE 2ND
COMMANDMENT, MuseumMan, 2ter Berliner Kunstsalon Berlin / 2007 = WHEEL OF FORTUNE/MORE HORMONES MORE.
‘Arcadia’ The Stables Gallery, Twickenham London / 2009 = THE WIEDERGUTMACHUNGS PROJECT PART 4, ‘Reliquaries of
Empires Dust’ Bereznitsky & Partner Berlin - METAMORPHOSIS, ’Should the World break in’ Bereznitsky & Partner Kiev Ukraine -
NEVALYASHKA, ‘A Spires Embers’ Gogol Festival Mystetski Arsenal Kiev / 2010 = BOMB, ’Wander & Stay’ AquabitArt Berlin -
BLACK BEAUTIES, ’but what about the noise of crumpling paper’ Wafflecotton at Artport Berlin - SOUTHERN CROSS 5 TO12,
Chateau de Sacy, Sacy-le-Petit France / 2011 = BREATH, ‘Black Stars on a White Sky’ Another Vacant Space Berlin - GENS
SPECULO NATA, ‘Peepshow’ Tape Gallery Berlin / 2012 = L’INTERNATIONALE, Malkasten, Kunstverein Düsseldorf -
PROTECTION, ‘ARTISTS MERCHANDISING ART’ a traveling show, Wonderloch Kellerland Berlin/Los Angeles/Paris/Vienna/
Hamburg / 2013 = THOU SHALT NOT nr.1 & 2, It’s getting cold in Paradise, The House, ‘Lügengeschichten’ KIT SCHULTE
Kunst, Grand Palais Paris - PREVIEW ART FAIR BERLIN, ‘Back to the Roots’ Kunstverein Familie Montez / 2014 = KIK ONE,
Kino International Berlin - HERZ DER FINSTERNIS, VERHUDELT HENRIK SCHRAT & GÄSTE, Städtische Museen Jena -
KUNSTAUTOMAT, presenting DAS VERMÄCHTNIS DER FRIEDE TRAURIG: ’It’s never too late to have a happy childhood’ &
‘Eye of God’, Jewish Museum Berlin / 2015 = aLL uP, Kosmetiksalon Babette Berlin / 2016 = NOT & SPIELE, HAUS am
LÜTZOWPLATZ Berlin - FLUGBLÄTTER, Athen-Kassel-Venedig-Münster-Loitz ein Projekt von Birgit Jensen / 2018 =
HINSEHEN.REINHÖREN. DIE KUNST IST IN DEN KIRCHEN Hamburg - Where have all the flowers gone, Alexander Ochs
Private Berlin - showtime! 2.0, Temporäre Kunsthalle Weinheim / 2019 = KILLER ABSTRACT WOMEN, Karl Oskar Gallery
Berlin / 2020 = In-Out-Online, STUDIO.RA CONTEMPORANEA Rome Italy / 2021 = FUTURE U RMIT Gallery Melbourne
EIGENLICHT re-space gallery Berlin
Solo Exhibitions
1995 = HEADLESS, Studio Exhibition Schloss Solitude Stuttgart / 2000 = CLEAN ME, THE WIEDERGUTMACHUNGS
PROJECT PART 3. Rote Turm Weinheim an der Bergstrasse / 2002 = VERLORENE ZWERGE, Foyer Eisenhand Landestheater
Linz / 2012 = GENS SPECULO NATA, Lehr Zeitgenössische Kunst Köln / 2014 = TRACE I, Lehr Zeitgenössische Kunst Köln -
TRACE II, Lehr Zeitgenössische Kunst Berlin - THE TWISTING WHITE ONES, The Australian Embassy Berlin / 2015 =
EXPANSIONS IN BLACK from The Paper Diaries, Koen House Istanbul Turkey / 2017 = FERMATA, Gallery 4 Tel Aviv Israel /
2018 = dialogue, the problem and the flowers, The Catholic Academie Berlin St. Thomas von Aquin and Catholic Cube Berlin -
TIMES’ PRISM, STUDIO.RA CONTEMPORANEA Rome Italy - DIARY OF A LEITMOTIF, Back Gallery Project Vancouver Canada
- PENDULUM 3, Foot of Main Vancouver / 2020 = CONVERSATIONS WITH MYSELF - Atelier Tesch Ceramics Berlin